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April 29, 2021
Ask a Bariatric Surgeon – Caffeine and Bariatric Surgery DECATUR, AL – There are some things that would be a no brainer when it comes to things you can and can’t do after bariatric surgery. For example, you can’t gorge on alcohol, high amounts of sugar, or smoke a ton of cigarettes. We know that […]
April 29, 2021
Healthcare Issues with Alabama Bariatrics – Why Won’t Insurance Companies Pay for Something I Need? HUNTSVILLE, AL – I am writing this in the time of year when the government is non-stop spamming my phone, emails and other means of communication about signing up for a health insurance plan. It is an ugly, scary process […]
April 29, 2021
Bariatric Surgery Devices Market Predictions Until 2025 HUNTSVILLE – Some human beings have an uncanny ability to recognize consistent patterns. Much of nature is cyclical including human behavior. When we examine apply our knowledge of these patterns, we can predict immediate future events based on those patterns. It is true that there are occasional unpredictable […]
April 29, 2021
Patient Compliance and Bariatric Surgery in Huntsville, AL: Part 3 The ugly truth about caregiving and medical care today is that relationships between doctors and patients are tense at best. With insurance companies, administrative costs rising at unreasonable rates, little contact between patients and doctors, lawsuits, and outright conspiracy theory levels of suspicion, it is […]
April 29, 2021
Patient Compliance and Bariatric Surgery in Huntsville, AL: Part 2 The ugly truth about caregiving and medical care today is that relationships between doctors and patients are tense at best. With insurance companies, administrative costs rising at unreasonable rates, little contact between patients and doctors, lawsuits, and outright conspiracy theory levels of suspicion, it is […]
April 29, 2021
Bariatric Patient Compliance and Weight Loss Surgery in Huntsville, AL The ugly truth about caregiving and medical care today is that relationships between doctors and patients are tense at best. With insurance companies, administrative costs rising at unreasonable rates, little contact between patients and doctors, lawsuits, and outright conspiracy theory levels of suspicion, it is […]
April 29, 2021
Can Weight-Loss Surgery Prevent Melanoma? There are a plethora of diseases and comorbidities that weight loss surgeons in Huntsville, AL and the rest of the world have connected to obesity. Some of these are more obvious, such as an increased chance of a heart attack or type 2 diabetes. Some of them are not so […]
April 29, 2021
Weight Loss Surgery in Decatur, AL and the Reverse of Birth Defects Weight loss surgery surprisingly has a lot to do with fertility. It is a little known fact for most people who have talked about weight loss surgery outside a doctor’s office. This is most likely due to the social stigma of outright talking […]
April 29, 2021
Obesity from Rare Disorders We all mostly know that at least 1/3rd of American adults are classified as obese. Most doctors agree that it comes from a combination of poor health education, terrible dental awareness, and cheaper access to fast food and sugary drinks. While obesity can be explained away in this fashion, that is […]
April 29, 2021
Weight Loss Surgery and the Reduction of Diabetes Weight loss surgery as we know it has its benefits. It can reduce the risk of heart disease, increase life expectancy, and all-around make patients feel better. However, one of the major benefits that patients receive post weight loss surgery is the decrease in type 2 diabetes. […]