
What is a Weight Loss Clinic?

When it comes to things like weight loss, the general populace tends to send and receive mixed messages on how to handle it. For instance, its common knowledge that weight loss is an easy byproduct of will power and personal responsibility.  However, in spite of that common knowledge, we are in a country with one of the […]

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Obesity Vs Movement

Obesity Vs Movement:  Obesity, as far as we know it, is a large enough problem to be considered a public health crisis. It has been enough of a problem for both the national and state-wide government to take notice. However, we are only just now scratching the surface of what makes obesity tick, and what

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The History of the Lap Band

There are a variety of different gastric bypass procedures. Some of these procedures involve stapling and removing parts of the stomach, and others require the use of an outside tool, such as a balloon in the stomach. However, the one the I am going to be covering is a relatively new and somewhat controversial procedure,

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