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strategies for dieting success

the 7 habits of highly effective dieting

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1. Fresh fruits and veggies
  • No processed or canned vegetables, or casseroles.
  • Unlimited quantities, don’t worry about calories.
  • Nuts and seeds are not considered fresh fruits or veggies.
2. No fried, greasy, or oily foods
  • Chips, fries, fried chicken and fish, fried burgers, donuts, etc., are off limits.
  • Watch the oily and high fat salad dressings.
3. No processed foods
  • No snack foods.
  • No TV dinners, microwave meals, etc.
4. Whole grains and complex carbs are good
  • Avoid simple sugars and simple carbs, like anything with potatoes, corn meal/sugar, and added sugar. That includes sweets and desserts.
  • Choose whole-grain pasta.
  • Carefully select stone ground, whole wheat breads.
  • Choose grains such as buckwheat, barley, quinoa, etc.
5. Dairy, cheese and eggs are good for you
  • Yes, you can eat an egg.
  • Watch the fat content in cheese and milk.
  • Full fat yogurt is good for you.
  • There’s no such thing as diet ice cream.
6. Fats are ok
  • Make sure it’s not the foundation of your diet, however.
  • Lean meats are generally better, but you can have beef, pork, chicken, fish, etc.
  • Certain oils, like olive oil, are healthier than others.
7. Occasional “naughty” treats are ok
  • Avoid sugary beverages, as they can contribute quite a bit of calories to your diet.
  • Occasional desserts are ok, but it should be a treat, not a part of every meal.
  • Alcohol in moderation, including beer and wine, are ok…in moderation.
  • You can have bread with a meal. Just don’t make it the whole meal.

10 strategies for success

1. Eat and cook at home
  • Avoid eating out. Most restaurants have very limited healthy eating options.
  • Foods at restaurants almost always have much higher fat, carbs, sugar, salt and calories than the equivalent food that you would cook at home.
  • Don’t know how to cook? It’s actually fun!
2. Don’t keep the “bad stuff” in the house
  • Even though it may be there for the kids, I guarantee eventually you’ll get into it.
  • Keep fresh fruit sitting out on the counter to snack on instead.
3. Keep engaged, active, busy
  • Boredom leads to mindless snacking.
4. Read nutritional labels
  • The packaging and ads can be deceptive.
5. Artificial sweeteners are okay if they aid in compliance and reduce cheating
  • There are often GI side effects of artificial sweeteners
  • Use of artificial sweeteners may not enable you in kicking the sugar addiction
6. Stop eating when you start to feel full
  • Many people have the habit of stuffing themselves, especially at holidays.
7. You don’t have to buy more expensive “organic,” or gluten-free foods
  • Eating healthier can be more expensive, but you don’t have to shop at an expensive specialty store to get healthy food.
  • You’ll save money by preparing your own food and eating at home.
8. Don’t fill up on chips!
  • You’ve probably tried just about every food available in America by now.
  • At a meal, choose the foods you really want to eat; don’t mindlessly eat the chips and bread set before you.
  • Choose high-quality, tasty foods that you really want to eat. You don’t have to eat everything available to you at one meal.
9. Eat 3 meals a day
  • Don’t try to starve yourself or skip meals. You’ll end up stuffing yourself with unhealthy snack foods
10. Snacks are ok
  • Snack on unlimited amounts of fresh fruits and veggies.
  • A few nuts are also okay as snacks.
  • Keep plenty of peeled fruits sitting on the countertop for snacks. Most people will go for the fruit if it’s sitting right in front of them, ready to be eaten.

smart phone apps

  • My Fitness Pal
  • Lose it
  • Baritastic
  • Spark People
  • MyPlate Calorie Tracker
  • Fooducate