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before & after surgery

day before surgery

  • Shower with antibacterial soap or Hibiclens in the evening, as directed.
  • Thin liquids and protein shakes, no solid foods

day of surgery

  • Nothing to eat or drink 4 hours before surgery.
  • Take Celebrex and Gabapentin as directed before leaving home or on the way to the hospital. Place a Scopolamine patch behind the ear.
  • After surgery, drink clear liquids (Phase 1 diet). Pain or nausea should be mild, but will be treated by your nurses.
  • Walk, walk, walk! Within 2 hours of surgery. You’ll also have the “squeezers” or SCD’s on your legs.

day after surgery

  • Most patients are discharged home that morning after discharge education by the Bariatric Coordinator and after your surgeon has checked in on you.
  • Increase liquid intake.
  • Walk, walk, walk! Continue the non-narcotic pain management protocol.

2 days after surgery

  • Start your thiamine vitamin supplement.
  • Advance to protein shakes and creamier soups (Phase 2 diet).
  • Walk, walk, walk!
  • Continue the non-narcotic pain management protocol.

1-2 weeks after surgery

  • Start a complete multivitamin by Day 8.
  • Exercise!
  • Post-op appointment 1-2 weeks after surgery. This may be conducted via telehealth.
  • Advance to the Phase 3 pureed diet.
  • Continue the non-narcotic pain management protocol.

1 month after surgery

  • Post-op appointment. May be via telehealth.
  • Advance to the Phase 4 diet.

post-op bariatric diet, protein and supplements

It is important to follow a proper diet geared toward the needs of bariatric surgery patients.

Learn more about post-op bariatric diet.

You’ll also have routine appointments at 3 months and 1 year after surgery. Then, annually thereafter. Annual sessions with the dietician, or more often as advised.

non-narcotic pain management protocol

This protocol is designed to prevent pain before it happens, make pain less severe than with conventional narcotic use, and decrease nausea all by avoiding the use of narcotic pain medicine.

Please don’t confuse the term “non-narcotic” to mean that we’re not treating your pain. Your pain will absolutely be treated. This protocol ensures better treatment than with conventional narcotic management.

Patients take Celebrex and Gabapentin (unless contraindicated) just before surgery. Pain and nausea medications are given during surgery. Toradol and IV anti-nausea medicines are given while in the hospital. Gabapentin and Celebrex are continued post-operatively along with the anti-nausea medicines Zofran and the Scopolamine patch. Tylenol is used as needed. These medications are tapered off over the course of 2-3 weeks, but many patients elect to discontinue after just a few days because they have no pain or nausea!