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April 29, 2021
It is natural for someone who is having trouble managing their own weight to look at all the possible options that are available on the market. After all, we humans are used to adjusting and adapting to seemingly impossible situations. However, unless you go in depth with your research, the average person won’t be able […]
April 29, 2021
There’s an App for That Since mobile phones usage is growing more popular than ever, it would make sense that people with certain medical conditions or have been through certain medical procedures, would create mobile apps to meet some of their needs. There are several factors that come into play when patients are participating in weight […]
April 29, 2021
A New Gastric Bypass Procedure on the Rise Medical procedures and practices, like Bariatric surgeries, are constantly evolving. We have come a long way in leaps and bounds from weight loss procedures that required wiring someone’s jaw shut to suppressing various hormones that are constantly telling patients that are hungry. We at Alabariatrics may be […]
April 29, 2021
I have mentioned in a previous article that the most dangerous part about weight loss surgery isn’t the actual surgical procedure, but the suicide rate that follows in the post-op stages. This begs the question, “If a person has lost a bunch of weight, then what is there to be depressed about? If they got […]
April 29, 2021
Not all weight loss surgeries are created equal. Heck, a single gastric bypass procedure from a few years ago can be vastly different from a gastric bypass surgery done today, thanks to technological improvement and new-found understandings by medical professionals.  Some procedures have a higher success rate than others. Others, have a higher rate of side […]
April 29, 2021
Not all weight loss surgeries are created equal. Heck, a single gastric bypass procedure from a few years ago can be vastly different from a gastric bypass surgery done today, thanks to technological improvement and new-found understandings by medical professionals.  Some procedures have a higher success rate than others. Others, have a higher rate of […]
April 29, 2021
Foreword Dear reader, if you have clicked the link related to this article, then chances are that you or a loved one are going through a struggle regarding weight gain. It’s not easy for anyone to have to look in the mirror and face certain facts about themselves, especially if there is already a societal […]
April 29, 2021
Mythbusting Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery Myths Part 3 You’ve told your friends and family that you are actively trying to lose excessive weight. Everyone is happy for you, and helps however they can and offers support.  You’ve genuinely tried dieting and exercising repeatedly, and nothing happens. Maybe you’ve lost 10 to 20 lbs of […]
April 29, 2021
Myth: Weight Loss Surgery is a Death Sentence This is one I hear quite often through both ‘reality’ television and word of mouth. When someone off handedly mentions any cosmetic or weight loss surgical procedure, one of the knee jerk reactions is for someone to talk about how life threatening it could be. First, all […]
April 29, 2021
Mythbusting Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery Myths Part 1 You’ve told your friends and family that you are actively trying to lose excessive weight. Everyone is happy for you, and helps however they can and offers support. You’ve genuinely tried dieting and exercising repeatedly, and nothing happens. Maybe you’ve lost 10 to 20 lbs of […]