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It is natural for someone who is having trouble managing their own weight to look at all the possible options that are available on the market. After all, we humans are used to adjusting and adapting to seemingly impossible situations. However, unless you go in depth with your research, the average person won’t be able to tell the difference between the various weight loss surgeries and cosmetic procedures that are available on the market.

In fact, when someone is stating that they are having “weight loss procedure” people jump to the conclusion that the person is talking about something purely cosmetic or is planning to lose weight surgically for health reasons. Today, we are going to shed some light on the difference between a weight loss procedure that errs on the cosmetic side of things and a weight loss procedure that errs on the side of reversing severe obesity problems.


Liposuction is a weight loss procedure that focuses on the removal of fat cells for mainly cosmetic reasons. It is a surgery that is typically performed by a surgeon that is certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) meaning that they have had training in liposuction as part of getting their surgical license.

The point of this weight loss procedure is to remove fat directly from the patient and sculpt the skin into a shape that fits the patient’s aesthetic specifications.

While there is certainly weight loss with the removal of fat involved, the weight loss isn’t drastic. In fact, the ideal patient is for this procedure is one within their target weight range and with a high skin elasticity. This weight loss procedure is not meant to treat any conditions related to obesity, nor can it treat areas filled with cellulite.

What’s more, the weight loss procedure is temporary, even if the patient continues their diet and exercise routine. This is because the patient’s body redistributes their fat back towards its natural state, over a period of a few months.

The procedure itself costs at a range of $2,500 for a specific treatment area to over $5,000, and if you have multiple areas that you want to sculpt, then the price tag goes higher. What’s more, since the surgery is more cosmetic and selective, you will most likely not be covered by insurance for a procedure like this.

Side effects range from something as small as bruising to something outright dangerous like embolism or death.


Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass surgery is a weight loss procedure that focuses on weight loss through the alteration of the stomach as a treatment for conditions caused by morbid obesity.

The weight loss procedure is performed by a surgeon who holds a medical license and often runs their own medical practice.

There are multiple methods of this procedure which range from minimally invasive and temporary to very invasive and permanently altered. However, the end goal is to reduce the size of the stomach and decrease the patient’s calorie consumption and nutrient absorption rate.

The procedure does not remove fat cells directly, like Liposuction, but it does, however have longer lasting and more dramatic results. Patients who have undergone this procedure on average lose 65 to 80% of their original bodyweight. What’s more, the weight loss is more likely to be permanent if the patient continues their dieting and exercise program.

Ideal candidates for a procedure like this need to have a BMI of 40 or Higher or a BMI of 35 or higher with a medical condition that is commonly associated with obesity.

The weight loss procedure costs from a range of $15,000 to $57,000 depending on which state you live in. However, this procedure is much more likely to be covered partially by insurance companies and will be more likely to have more financing options for patients. This is most likely because gastric bypass is less of a cosmetic procedure that produces temporary results and more of a procedure that focuses on health and long-term results.

Side effects can range from malnutrition and dumping syndrome to feelings of depression, leakage, and death. That is why great care must be taken to make sure that the patient who is willing to undergo this procedure has a support system complete with counseling, dieticians, and experts on bariatric recovery.


Wherever you are on your weight loss journey, and if you are wanting to go through with either procedure, just know that it is your body and your right to decide whatever you want to go through. Even if your decision is met with disapproval or ignorance from other people in your life. Take the time to educate yourself and figure out whatever you need that is right for you.


Keyword: weight loss procedure