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The Screening Process


Wouldn’t all of us eat less if we felt full after eating a little amount of food? This is exactly why people opt for Bariatric surgery – it can help you lose weight! Bariatric surgery can help speed up the process of weight loss if you haven’t been able to achieve success in prior attempts.

Quite literally – this surgery reduces the size of your stomach. The options you can choose from are:

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Gastric Plication
  • Gastric Bypass and
  • Gastric Banding

But with that being said, not everyone can opt for bariatric surgery. You have to go through a screening evaluation that tests you against standards created by the National Institutes of Health and Sciences for starters.

If you’re wondering whether you qualify – let us help you find out.

The Screening Process

First and foremost, medical professionals will determine your history. There shouldn’t be any prior diseases that preclude you from the process. Additionally, a nutritional exam is conducted, as well. In some cases, physical therapy will also be conducted to make sure you can go through the post-surgery recovery phase.

After all of the screenings are done, a hospital’s Bariatric Surgery Team will meet potential candidates to decide if they’re the perfect fit. This partially depends on your eating habits, your activity levels, and emotional state before the surgery.

Some people are also recommended to shed a few kilos before they’re ready for surgery. But this is only done so you can get the best possible results after the surgery is done!

Preparing for Surgery

If you are approved for the surgery, the health care professional will give you a set of instructions that you’ll have to follow to prepare for the process. Depending on your physical condition, the preparation process can take weeks or months.

The instructions you’re given might include:

  • Eating and drinking restrictions
  • Lifestyle counseling so you can prepare for the big change
  • Tips you can use to quit smoking
  • An exercise program

And remember! Following these instructions is essential because your surgery might get postponed or even canceled if you’re not at the physical standard required.

The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Type 2 Diabetes Remission

A recent study showed that bariatric surgery could immediately lead to remission for type 2 diabetes. Research has also shown that this procedure can specifically benefit obese people since it drastically reduces their weight.

Patients can have the freedom of staying away from insulin for at least three years after the surgery is done!

A Better Cardiovascular System

Most people are aware that after the procedure is done – you have a much lower chance of getting a heart attack. You can also stay away from peripheral heart diseases since your blood pressure gets normalized, and your cholesterol levels are reduced.

Getting Rid of Depression

Apart from the physical problems associated with weight –mental problems can be far more impactful. Losing the excess weight from your body can improve your emotional health, too!


If obesity has riddled your life with problems, and if none of your attempts for losing weight have worked – bariatric surgery can be the silver lining!

Start preparing for the procedure because now – there’s hope!

For additional information about bariatric surgery, visit Alabama Bariatrics!