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mother with child after laparoscopic gastric bypass
Minimally Invasive

laparoscopic gastric bypass

The laparoscopic gastric bypass is both a restrictive and malabsorptive procedure in which a tiny pouch is created, and the stomach is bypassed. Dr. Suggs has been performing the gastric bypass for over 20 years, and Dr. Harner often performs gastric bypass robotically. It’s very effective in curing or relieving diabetes, as well as high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease, joint pain, and acid reflux. The surgery is performed laparoscopically through tiny incisions, and most people go home from the hospital the day after surgery. Most patients are back to work in 1-2 weeks, but often in less time.

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how it works

  • Rapid initial weight loss

  • Reduces the hormone Ghrelin levels
  • “Dumping syndrome” can occur
  • Proven reduction of comorbidities
  • Longest experience in USA
diagram of stomach for laparoscopic gastric bypass procedure
image showing areas affected by laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery
weight loss


  • Average of 70% excess weight loss*
  • >50% excess weight loss long term*
  • Fastest weight loss in 1st 6 months
  • The more obese you are, the faster the loss
  • The older you are, the slower the loss
  • Weight loss stabilizes at 18 months with small regain
  • You lose fat but not skin
  • Generally, not hungry


As with any surgery, there can be risks like leak from the staple line (<0.1%), risk of infection (<0.5%), bleeding (<1%), and pulmonary embolism (<1.0%). There are also long term risks of vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as iron and calcium, risk of dumping syndrome, risk of ulcer, and risk of internal hernia or twisting of the intestine. Some patients may have temporary hair loss while rapidly losing weight.


  • BMI 30-34 with comorbidities and or a BMI 35+ no comorbidities necessary.
  • Age 18-70 years
  • Smoke-free for at least 2 months prior to surgery and a commitment to stay smoke –free.
  • Previous failed attempts at dieting.

insurance coverage

If your insurance covers bariatric surgery, they should cover the laparoscopic gastric bypass. However, the BMI criteria may vary per insurance requirements. Note that you will have copays and deductibles.

Note that most insurances also have additional requirements for approval for surgery, such as 6 months of physician-supervised diet, 3 years of primary care physician records, and psychology clearance.

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