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Gastric Sleeve Surgery Anatomy

20 Benefits Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery You Need To Know

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss surgery growing in popularity. This surgery removes about 80% of the stomach, leaving a long vertical tube or “sleeve.” Unlike “gastric bypass surgery, which alters the digestive process, this surgery simply restricts the amount of food you can eat. So why are people choosing this type of surgery over others? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits.

What Is Its Purpose?

This type of bariatric surgery is meant to help people with obesity lose weight. It does this in two ways: decreasing the amount of food you can eat and causing you to feel full more quickly. This fullness is caused by a decrease in the hormone ghrelin produced in the stomach. Ghrelin signals to your brain that you are hungry, so by reducing its production, you will feel fuller for longer after eating.

Who Are The Candidates For This Procedure?

Most candidates for vertical sleeve surgery are obese, with a body mass index (BMI. of 30 or higher. You may also be a candidate if you have a BMI of 25 and are experiencing obesity-related health problems, such as type II diabetes, sleep apnea, or high blood pressure.

What Are The Benefits of The Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

1. Leads to Significant Weight Loss

One of the main reasons people opt for this type of surgery is for the weight loss benefits. On average, patients lose about 60% of their excess body weight within 12-18 months after surgery. For some people, this means losing 100 pounds or more. Not only can this help improve your overall health, but it can also positively impact your self-esteem and quality of life. If you are considering this surgery, speak with a qualified surgeon to see if it is the right option.

2. Can Resolve Health Conditions Related To Obesity

Another benefit of vertical sleeve surgery is that it can help improve or resolve health conditions related to obesity. These conditions include type II diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and more.

Studies have shown that vertical sleeve surgery can lead to the complete remission of type II diabetes in up to 70% of patients. Vertical sleeve surgery may be an option if you struggle with obesity and its related health problems.

3. It Is Less Invasive

Another benefit of this type of surgery is that it is less invasive than other weight loss surgery. This means that the risk of complications is lower, and the recovery time is shorter. To perform this type of surgery, the surgeon only needs to make a few small incisions, which results in less pain and scarring.

4. Can Be Reversed If Necessary

Another benefit is that it can be reversed if necessary. This is not the case with all types of weight loss surgery. If you have this type of surgery and later decide that you want to have children or gain back the weight you lost, the surgery can be reversed. The surgeon just needs to re-attach the stomach to the small intestine, and you will be able to eat and digest food normally.

5. Has a Low Risk of Complications

This type of surgery has a low risk of complications. The most common complication is leakage from the stomach staple line, which occurs in less than one percent of cases. Other possible complications include infection, blood clots, and hernias which can all be treated with medication or surgery.

6. Cost

One of the benefits of this type of surgery is that it tends to be less expensive than other types of weight loss surgery. This is because it is less invasive and has a shorter hospital stay. The average cost of this type of surgery is $15,000, which is significantly lower than the average cost of bypass surgery, which can be upwards of $30,000.

7. Short Recovery Periods

Another benefit is that patients tend to have short healing periods. This means they can return to their normal lives and activities much sooner than with other types of weight loss surgery. Most people stay in the hospital for two to three days after surgery and then recover at home for another week or two.

8. You Can Still Eat Your Favorite Foods

One of the benefits of this type of surgery is that you can still eat your favorite foods. This is because the surgery does not involve re-routing the small intestine, which is what happens with gastric bypass surgery. With this surgery, you can eat most food, but you will have to do so in smaller portions.

9. It Is a Permanent Solution

This type of surgery is a permanent solution. This means that once you have the surgery, you will be unable to regain your lost weight. This can be beneficial for people who have struggled with yo-yo dieting in the past and are looking for a way to lose weight and keep it off finally.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery Anatomy Diagram
10. Can Reduce Urinary and Gallbladder Stones

Another benefit of this type of surgery is that it can reduce the risk of developing urinary and gallbladder stones. This is because the surgery reduces the amount of stomach acid produced. Stomach acid can contribute to the development of these stones, so by reducing the production of stomach acid, you can also reduce your risk of developing these problems.

11. Mitigates the Risk of Cancer

This type of surgery can also mitigate cancer risk, specifically gastric cancer. This is because the surgery removes a portion of the stomach, where gastric cancer typically develops. Removing this portion of the stomach can significantly reduce your risk of developing gastric cancer.

12. Reduces Joint Pain

Another benefit of this surgery is that it can reduce joint pain. This is because obesity can put a lot of stress on your joints, which can lead to pain and other problems. By losing weight through this type of surgery, you can take some of the stress off your joints and reduce the amount of pain you experience.

13. Improves Fertility

This type of surgery can also improve fertility. This is because obesity can cause hormonal imbalances, which can impact fertility. By losing weight through this type of surgery, you can restore balance to your hormones and improve your chances of getting pregnant.

14. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

This type of surgery can reduce the risk of heart disease as well. This is because obesity puts you at a higher risk of developing heart disease. By losing weight through this type of surgery, you can reduce your risk of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.

15. Can Improve Your Mental Health

This type of surgery can also improve your mental health. This is because obesity can lead to depression and other mental health issues. You can improve your mood and overall mental well-being by losing weight through this type of surgery.

16. Helps You Sleep Better

This type of surgery can also help you sleep better. This is because obesity can lead to sleep apnea, which is a condition that causes interrupted breathing during sleep. By losing weight through this surgery, you can reduce your risk of developing sleep apnea and improve your overall sleep quality.

17. Improves Your Skin Health

This type of surgery can also improve your skin health. This is because obesity can cause several skin problems, including stretch marks and psoriasis. By losing weight through this type of surgery, you can improve the appearance of your skin and reduce your risk of developing these and other skin problems.

18. Improves Clinical Markers

This type of surgery has also been shown to improve clinical markers. Clinical markers are indicators of health that doctors use to assess a patient. Some clinical markers include blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that this surgery can improve all of these clinical markers.

19. It is Beneficial for Hypertensive Patients

This type of surgery has also been beneficial for hypertensive patients. Hypertension is a condition that causes high blood pressure. This surgery can help to lower blood pressure and improve the health of hypertensive patients by helping them to lose weight.

20. No Need for Surgical Maintenance

Another benefit of this type of surgery is that there is no need for surgical maintenance. This means that once you have the surgery, you will not need to have any additional surgeries. This is in contrast to other types of weight loss surgery, such as gastric bypass surgery, which often requires revisional surgery down the road.


Gastric sleeve surgery can offer many benefits, both physical and mental. However, weight loss surgery is not for everyone. It is important to consult with your doctor to see if weight loss surgery is the right option for you. There are several factors that your doctor will consider when making this decision, including your overall health, your weight, and your goals. At Alabama Bariatrics, we have Dr Jay Suggs, a bariatric surgery professional with over 3,000 cases. Contact us today for inquiries or to book an appointment.


1. Sleeve Gastrectomy

2. Center for Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery

3. Benefits of Gastric Sleeve