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10 Reasons To Have Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is certainly a life-changing experience for individuals who have struggled to lose weight through conventional methods. It helps sustain long-term results while also offering multiple health benefits.

It is a hormonal surgery that makes changes in the patient’s digestive systems to lose weight. This surgery is often recommended when exercising and dieting haven’t yielded sufficient results or when the patient has severe weight-related problems.

Various types of bariatric surgery, including sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass, are offered to the patients depending on their situation. If you are wondering if this surgery is right for you or not, here are the major reasons to have bariatric surgery:

1.    Weight Loss Without Cosmetic Procedure

Contrary to popular belief, the aim of bariatric surgery isn’t to attain an attractive physique but is focused on offering an effective solution for severe or moderate obese individuals with weight-related health issues who are struggling to lose weight through exercise and diet.

The principles of bariatric surgery are based on gradual reduction of accumulated fatty tissues in the body, under organs and skin) through modification of the individual’s ability to absorb food or restricting the amount of food they consume.

The result is resolving the root problem as the body uses fat as an energy source if the intake of food is modified in terms of quality and quantity.

2.    Improved Fertility

Bariatric surgery also helps in improving fertility when the patient is in their childbearing years. A study found that bariatric surgery helps in reducing the risk of a miscarriage and enhances the menstrual cycles.

3.    Obstructive Sleep Apnea Management

Sustaining and achieving a normal weight range enables individuals with sleep apnea to avoid using the CPAP machine when they sleep. Around 80% of patients experienced sleep apnea remission within a year of their surgery.

4.    Reduced Mortality Rate

Obesity enhances the risk of numerous severe health problems that can lead to fatalities, including breathing disorders, heart disease, and diabetes.

Studies have shown that weight loss after bariatric surgery drastically lowers the risk of dying due to weight-related health problems. That is because losing 50% to 70% excess weight in one to two years after surgery helps significantly improve and even completely resolve life-threatening health issues.

5.    Better Cardiovascular Health

Weight loss surgeries help in reducing the risk of peripheral heart disease, stroke, and coronary heart disease. A study also showed that weight loss from bariatric surgery helps prevent the risk of fatality linked with myocardial infarction, hypertension, and stroke.

Cholesterol levels and blood pressure can also turn near-normal or normal after the surgery, which further helps in lowering the risk of diseases and enhancing overall health. Moreover, bariatric surgery patients also experience fewer hospitalizations, shorter stays at hospitals, and lower chances of ICU admittance than obese individuals who haven’t undergone bariatric surgery.

6.    Relief in Joint Pain

Excessive weight puts a high amount of stress on multiple joints in your body, leading to joint damage and chronic pain. Sustained and significant weight loss after bariatric surgery helps in reliving the added stress on the joints. In many cases, some patients even stop taking joint pain medications and experience increased mobility.

7.    Type 2 Diabetes Long-Term Remission

study showed bariatric surgery could help in the remission of type 2 diabetes. The results highlighted that this surgery proved effective for obese participants with diabetes, and almost all of them stayed insulin-free for around three years after bariatric surgery.

8.    Faster Metabolism

The more weight you carry around, the more challenging it is to participate in extensive physical activities. With a significant decrease in weight after bariatric surgery, many patients started participating in activities like swimming, walking, and biking. This helps in enhancing the ability of your body to burn fat efficiently.

Bariatric surgery also helps in reducing hormones like cortisol and insulin that reduces the body’s fat storage.

9.    Improved Longevity and Quality of Life

Bariatric surgery significantly improves the quality of life by providing patients with improved sexual function, social interactions, and self-esteem levels. It also improves mobility and improves mood. Many patients also reported a drastic improvement in their emotional and social wellbeing.

Losing excessive weight helps you move around more easily, take part in different activities, boost confidence, and feel fulfilled. This impacts all aspects of your life, making you feel capable of achieving more in your professional and personal life.

Individuals who undergo bariatric surgery also reduce their risk of life-threatening diseases compared to obese individuals who don’t. It, therefore, enhances their longevity and gives them more energy to enjoy their life. Most of the patients report experiencing an active and healthier lifestyle after bariatric surgery.

10.  Depression Relief

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Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

Numerous obese individuals have a poor body image and feel depressed due to social stigma. Even younger individuals who have significant weight find it hard to take part in physical activities they might enjoy, leading to depressing and social isolation.

Losing significant weight through bariatric surgery helps in improving the emotional wellbeing of patients. A study found that patients experienced a 32.7% decrease in depression after undergoing bariatric surgery and a further 16.5% decrease in depression six to twelve months after the bariatric surgery.

Obesity comes with multiple health complications and has been increasing at an alarming rate in the past few decades. Bariatric surgery offers an effective solution that offers sustained results for obsess individuals struggling to lose weight otherwise.

Bariatric surgery is a highly safe procedure when performed by an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you select the surgeon and facility that has extensive experience in doing bariatric surgery and can guide you right from the start.

Alabama Bariatrics ensures you fully understand the entire process of the surgery before you make your decision and has an experienced team of professionals who provide ongoing support from pre-surgery counseling to after-care surgery guidance.

Keep in mind that the patient has to meet the criteria to be eligible for bariatric surgery. We recommend maintaining a healthy diet and an active lifestyle to prevent weight gain.